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Trauma &
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

Let us help you take control of your trauma so it is no longer controlling you.


Taking this first step towards processing your trauma is a sign of true strength and courage.


Traumas can manifest in unexpected ways that many people often do not realize are linked to their trauma. These include, but are certainly not limited to: depression, anxiety, academic and workplace difficulties, low self-esteem, distrust of others, fear of crowds, relationship difficulties. Our life experiences impact how we view the world and our confidence in navigating through it.


We can help you identify these “stuck points”, process the underlying causes, and end unhealthy habits that are holding you back from truly thriving. We will do this in a space that is inviting, non-judgmental, affirming, safe, and collaborative.


You can do this, if you’re willing to put in the work. If you don’t trust yourself, just try to trust the process for now.



 Do any of these sound familiar? In Cognitive Processing Therapy. EMDR, and trauma work, we call these “stuck points” or "negative cognitions." 


  • “I can’t trust anyone.”

  • “The world is unsafe.”

  • “I am worthless.”

  • “I cannot protect myself/others.”

  • “Other people should not trust me.”

  • “I am unlovable.”

  • “I don’t deserve happiness.”

  • “It was my fault.”

  • “If I would have been there that day, he wouldn’t have died.”

  • “I must control everything that happens to me.”

  • “People in authority always abuse their power.”

  • “If I hadn’t gotten drunk, I wouldn’t have been raped.”

  • “I deserve to have bad things happen to me.”

  • “People are by nature evil and only out for themselves.”

  • “If I let people get close to me, I will get hurt again.”

  • “I should be farther ahead in life.”

  • “If I am not on alert at all times, something bad will happen."


 Types of trauma include, but are certainly not limited to: 


  • Motor Vehicle Accidents

  • Military Combat

  • Military Sexual Trauma (MST)

  • Childhood Sexual Abuse

  • Childhood Emotional & Physical Abuse, Neglect

  • Estrangement from family when coming out as LGBTQIA+

  • Domestic Violence

  • Traumatic Grief (i.e. Unexpected/Premature Death)

  • Witness to Extreme Acts (Homicide, Suicide)

  • Natural Disasters

  • Traumatic Incidents Witnessed by First Responders (i.e. Paramedics, EMTs, Police Officers, Firefighters)

  • Forced Displacement

  • System-induced Trauma (i.e. Traumatic removal from home, separation of siblings)

  • Victim of and/or Witness to Community Violence

  • Sexual Assault and Rape

  • Religious Trauma

  • Multiple Traumas



 What is Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)?


Simply put, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is a mental health condition that is triggered by either experiencing or witnessing a terrifying event. These symptoms can cause significant problems with work, school, social situations, and relationships. They can also interfere with a person's ability to go about their normal day-to-day tasks and participate in the activities they once enjoyed.


Many people who go through traumatic events may at first have difficulty adjusting, but over time, they are usually able to move forward with good self-care and healthy coping skills.


For those who find themselves being unable to move forward, it often leads to PTSD. PTSD is essentially "non-recovery from a trauma." It doesn't mean you're crazy. It doesn't mean you're weak. It just means you weren't able to bounce back and you need a little help.


Symptoms can appear early, within 3 months of the traumatic event, or they can appear years later. And often, people don't even realize their difficulties are related to their traumatic experience.



 What are symptoms of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)? 



  • Trying to avoid thinking or talking about the traumatic event

  • Avoiding people, places and things that remind you of the traumatic event

  • Avoiding feelings related to the traumatic event


 Intrusive Symptoms 

  • Nightmares (that may or may not include aspects of the traumatic event)

  • Flashbacks

  • Emotional distress and physical reactions after being exposed to traumatic reminders

  • Unwanted upsetting memories


 Negative Changes in Thinking and Mood 

  • Difficulty getting close to others

  • Difficulty maintaining close relationships

  • Hopelessness about the future

  • Feeling detached from family and friends (and often feeling as though they don't understand)

  • Feeling detached from people in general for many reasons, including distrust of others and feeling as though they won't understand you

  • Negative thoughts about yourself, others, and the world

  • Lack of interest in activities and hobbies you once enjoyed

  • Feeling emotionally numb

  • Difficulty experiencing happiness and positive emotions

  • Memory problems, including difficulty remembering important parts of the traumatic event


 Changes in Physical and Emotional Reactions 

  • Always being on guard or feeling like you are in danger

  • Being easily startled

  • Self-destructive behavior such as drinking too much, using addictive substances, driving too fast, engaging in risky behavior

  • Trouble sleeping

  • Trouble concentrating

  • Angry outbursts, aggressive behavior, or irritability

  • Overwhelming guilt, shame or regret



 I don't know if I meet criteria for PTSD, but I'm still struggling. 


You don't have to meet criteria for PTSD to be struggling with a trauma! And it certainly does not mean that you "don't need" or "don't deserve" treatment. You can always work on improving your life!



 Types of Treatment for PTSD and Trauma-Related Issues Include:








 So, now what? 


Call us and we can discuss what may work best for you.


Scary, right? But we will promise you one thing: We will always work just as hard as you--alongside you.


We are not here to help you maintain your symptoms—We are here to help you kick them to the curb




Will this be hard at times?  Yes.


But will it be worth it?  Absolutely.


Let’s do this.




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